Friday, October 29, 2010

Today we are dressing up for Halloween here at W-O!
I'm not gonna lie, I completely forgot about dress up day, and since I am in grade 12 I pretty much HAVE to dress up! So as I was at work, I pondered my costume.. Princess? Dancer? Witch? No, no, no.. That would take Way to long to find a costume...
As my mind started to wonder, I started to think about my beautiful horse. And BAM!! It hit me! A cowgirl! I already had the cowgirl hat, boots, western belt, belt buckle, jeans and plaid shirt! How perfect! I am extremely comfortable wearing ALL of those things (i wear them ALL the time) and it'll help contribute to our homeroom points!! (When we dress up, we collect homeroom points. The homeroom with the most points gets an ice cream party!)
So here I am. In class, not doing my work, in a costume :) And there are A LOT of cowboys and cowgirls, but none of them have the kick ass belt buckle that I do!! It's bigger then my hand! (I'll be sure to post a picture soon!)
I miss halloween, trick or treating and getting free candy, running around with friends... I loved it! I miss it... So this year, 3 of us are going out trick or treating for cans to donate for the food bank! Hopefully candy too? :) I'll let you know!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

She Is...

She is beautiful.
She is confident.
She is powerful.
She is athletic.
She is energetic.
She is majestic.
She is sensitive.
She is caring.
She is loving.
She is stubborn.
She is spirited.
She is fast.
She is patient.
She is free.
She is Mine, and I am hers.
My beautiful horse <3

I need you

I need you.
I need you,
like the plants need the sun.
I need you,
like the fish need the water.
I need you,
like the night needs the stars.
I need you,
like a baby needs it's mother.
I need you,
like a patient needs a doctor.
I need you,
like a person needs a friend.
I need you,
to love me like I love you.

i need you.
i need you,
for me to grow. 
i need you,
for me to breathe.
i need you,
for me to feel beautiful.
i need you,
to pay attention to me.
i need you, 
even when i am sick.
i need you,
to be concerned.
i need you,
to love me like i love you.

The Horse and Rider

Magestical, beautiful, understanding.
A horses' grace is never-ending.
The calming power,
is forever sending. 

Flying, dancing, soaring
horse and rider become one.
there is nothing more enlightening,
empowering or fun.

and the rider goes home,
and when the day is done.
the experience is always remembered,
when the two became one.

This morning's announcement

This morning, I heard an announcement that we (the students) are not allowed to support our football team and watch the game, unless our parent is there.
What?! Did I just hear that correctly?! We are honestly Not Allowed to watch the game unless our Parents are there? That's pathetic. Apparently, we have travelled back in time to when we were 6 years old, where we have to have our parents watch us to make sure we behave. I guess that, IF we missed behaved, detention and/or suspention just isn't good enough anymore. Instead, we have to go back to the day where our parents slapped our wrist and said "Bad girl!" with a disappointed look on their face. And if we are being really bad, there is no bed time story for us tonight!
...Is it not supposed to be encouraged that the students support their football team and cheer loud? Does it not psych the team up and give them that last burst of energy that they need to win the game?! Does the school not realize that trying to enforce the rule of the parent being there will not drive ALL the fans away? I tell you, I thought teachers were supposed to be smart...
And so, our football team will play tonights game, Fanless, and our parents will be relieved that they will not have to slap our wrists and send us to bed without a goodnight story.